One Less Thing to Worry About

Not long after we found out Keira also had MLD (on June 19, 2020 – a day forever burnt in my memory), we had her 6 month well check with the pediatrician. She pointed out that Keira had an extra fat roll on one of her legs which can be a sign of her hips being misaligned but that it could very well be nothing. She asked if we wanted to get x-rays done that week and my brain exploded.

I called my Mom after the check up telling her what happened. It was hard to breathe and my mind was racing. There was no way I could handle more bad news and we were going to wait a week or two to think it over.

In that time, we ended up speaking with the team in Italy and moving forward in fundraising to get her to Milan for treatment. The potential hip issue disappeared from my mind from that point forward. Until…we just had her in for another check up and the roll was still there.

Our pediatrician said we would still have a window to fix it if something was wrong so we went ahead with the x-rays. We got the results that same day but that small window of waiting had me so worried. There is no way our baby can have one more thing wrong with her after all she has been through.

Thankfully, the results were negative! Her hips are perfect and we have nothing to worry about! The relief I felt (about her extra fat roll no less πŸ˜†) was amazing. I think I actually laughed out loud reading the text. Some actual good news! Amazing. πŸ™ŒπŸΌβ€πŸ™πŸΌ

5 thoughts on “One Less Thing to Worry About

  1. I have asked your family to stay on our prayer list and most times prayers help. She is such a beautiful strong little girl. Love this picture


  2. Thanking God for even the smallest blessings – love and prayersβ€οΈβ€οΈπŸ˜˜β€οΈπŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»


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